sábado, 4 de julho de 2015

A república I sem brandos costumes

Primeiro Ministro indigitado 

assassinado na sua chegada a Lisboa

Just when peace and calm had apparently been restored in Portugal, a grave event has occurred that will probably  have a disastrous effect on the situation. A telegram from Lisbon received this evening [May 17] states that Senhor Chagas, the new Prime Minister, was shot at and seriously wounded by Senator João José de Freitas. Senhor Chagas had just arrived at the Entroncamento railway station, coming from Oporto to take possession of  the Premiership. A large gathering was on the platform to meet him, and while shaking hands with and receiving the congratulations of his friends, Senhor Freitas broke through and fired several revolver shots at the new Premier. A struggle ensued and gendarmes fired on the assassin who was killed on the spot. Senhor Chagas was taken to hospital in a dying condition. It is feared, as  a result of this tragedy, that the trouble may recommence. There are already signs of a fresh outbreak.
                 The New York Herald, European Edition, May 18, 1915
Correction: June 4, 2015
An article in the “In Our Pages” column on May 18, recalling the shooting of the Portuguese primes minister in 1915, misspelled the name of the senator who shot Senhor Chagas. He was João José de Freitas not Senator Jean Freilas. The error was recently brought to light by a reader.